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We use a variety of methods to ensure the most appropriate calculation is undertaken to value equestrian businesses.


There are a variety of reasons for valuing an Equestrian business. These could be:

  • Due to a business opportunity to sell or merge with another enterprise
  • Adding a new partner
  • Retirement of a partner
  • To help expand the business
  • Legal purposes such as divorce settlement proceedings or other such matters.

Unquoted equestrian business valuations are, by their very nature, intrinsically difficult and complex. Public listed companies have a quoted share price on the relevant stock exchange of which they are members, the laws of supply and demand dictating what value is then placed on these publicly traded shares. However, most equestrian businesses are not publicly listed; unquoted private companies and non-incorporated business do not have such trading of shares and therefore have no publicly available price – from professional experience, some private companies never see a share sale in the course of their operational lifetimes. With the absence of a market-defined price, the complexity of valuing an unquoted business becomes obvious; with the added complication that the equestrian industry operates in a unique way from many other mainstream ‘regular’ enterprises.

Butler & Co have the necessary knowledge and experience to value equestrian businesses, using a variety of methods to ensure the most appropriate calculation is undertaken. Our work has been used in such cases as expert evidence in divorce proceedings, and our fully comprehensive service will ensure you receive a complete detailed valuation of your business tailored to suit your requirements.

Require more information?

If you would like more information or would like to speak to us direct then call us on 01962 735544. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.


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