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November 2020

The importance of good bloodstock accounting advice: steps to take and pitfalls to avoid
This editorial by Julie Butler FCA, Butler & Co’s Founder and Joint Managing Partner, looks at a very small area of bloodstock tax and was published in The Insights Magazine.

September 2020

Horse sense
Julie Butler FCA, Joint Managing Partner and Fred Butler MSc ATT, Senior Tax Manager - Farm and Equine Department, look at the tax issues related to a meadow or paddock adjoining a main residence.
Published in TAXATION

June 2020

Tax protection of the “pony paddocks”
Julie Butler FCA, Joint Managing Partner looks at the tax considerations of owning a paddock next to your house.
Reproduced by kind permission of LawSkills Ltd from their website ( A site dedicated to helping Private Client Practitioners.

June 2020

Stock Valuations and Loss Claims
Julie Butler FCA, Joint Managing Partner, looks at why advisers must act fast to undertake a full fact find to help their equine client’s identify the correct stock values, loss claims and tax position for 2019/20 in light of the postponement of the Tokyo Games and coronavirus pandemic.
Published in TAXline practical points (125)

March 2020

Equine Loss Evidence
Julie Butler FCA looks at the negative statistics, regarding the profitability of breeders, in the British Horseracing Authority (BHA) review of buying and selling practices of Bloodstock and Racehorses.
Published in TAXline Practical Points, Business Taxes (048)


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Butler & Co, The Old Stables, Sutton Manor Farm, Bishop's Sutton, Alresford, Hampshire SO24 0AA

Butler & Co is the trading name of Butler & Co Alresford Limited registered in England (Company No. 10726923) and is regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
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